Saturday, November 27, 2010

Halfmoon Cafe: Infuckingcredible Bibingcrepe and Nomnoms

While portmanteaus such as "jeggings" and "skorts" suck horribly, most of the time, portmanteaus are actually pretty damn awesome. In fact, some of the most amazing things are portmanteaus!



Pedobear! If you haven't been able to guess yet, I absofuckinglutely love portmanteaus. I mean, you take two (or more) ordinary things, you combine them and make them far more incredible than just the sum of their parts. Which leads us to last Tuesday, when Jen and I found ourselves in Halfmoon Asian Cafe, home of one of the coolest portmanteaus out there, the bibingcrepe, one part bibingka, one part crepe, all parts awesome!

The bibingcrepe has the same fluffiness of the traditional Filipino delicacy and the creamy goodness of the French pancake. According to Gilette Garcia, the VP for operations of Halfmoon Asian Cafe, (and the Bluewater Day spa! AND 55 Events Place! Seriously this guy is so boss!) they are the first to come up with the concept of the bibingcrepe because of their desire to offer something fresh and innovative to their customers.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Food Network Store Good Kitchen Finds

We were washing the dishes earlier today (yes, we do everything together). When one of us was about to put our favorite pan inside the kitchen cabinet, it slid off and fell. The cover of our little pot broke. Darn. It was an old one but we loved using it especially when we soups and chicken recipes. It's been with us since 2008. Maybe it's the universe's way of saying that it's time to buy a brand new set of cookware, something sturdy and durable which we can use for a long time. Seeing that we seldom have the time to do some major shopping, I checked the stuff online. Perhaps, we an have a set delivered right at our doorstep. Or at the very least, we'd have an idea of what cookware to buy the next time we visit the store.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Passion Restaurant: a Taste of Chinese Fusion Food

After watching the astounding preview of KAOS at Resorts World Manila's New Performing Arts Theater, we were led to Passion Restaurant for some scrumptious dinner. The first time we ate there, I wasn't that impressed with their version of Chinese food; it was a bit bland compared to what I'm used to. This time around though, the dishes served to us tasted much better. Maybe, I'm just not a fan of dumplings, the food that we had before. It's a blessing that this time, they served us other amazing dishes which were more agreeable to our taste. Too bad we didn't get the names of the dishes but we'll try our best to describe them here.


Glazed pork, beef and chicken and duck with seaweeds on the side - This was from their barbecue sampler. They're tender, sweet and so far our favorite among all the dishes we have tasted so far.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Parvati Store at Trinoma

Parvati, taken after the name of the most beautiful Hindu Goddess, is a new concept store located inside Trinoma Mall in Quezon City. It has been operational for six months now and they have plans of expanding some more in the greater Manila area (Please open one in Alabang, pretty please?).

Last Sunday, we were lucky to be invited to taste the many heavenly desserts they offer. Parvati is nothing like we've seen before. It's a dessert store that caters to home bakers as it consigns various home-baked goodies so dessert lovers won't have to go somewhere else. All the best ones, from frozen delights, to chilled cakes and pastries, to regular sweets and cakes are all housed here, 51 of them to be exact.

When you walk inside the Parvati store, you will notice that the wall on the right side is filled with print ads of what they offer. This wall is actually divided into three sections (frozen, chilled, room temp.), and further divided into drawers, containing the dessert of your choice! It's like magic! Hehehe.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

ABC Bakery in Ho Chi Minh

Earlier this year, one of my best gal pals, Jem, and I, went on a little Asian adventure trip. On our second day at Ho Chi Minh, we passed by ABC Bakery which seemed to be selling a lot of good bread.

When we went inside, they were also selling wonderful cakes and other pastries. I just wanted to share here the photos I took, and hopefully, the next time I go there, I'll be with Peter and we can have a taste of all they have to offer:

Monday, November 8, 2010

A Taste of Passion Restaurant @ Resorts World Manila

We got to taste some of the delightful Chinese dishes offered at Passion Restaurant located inside Resorts World Manila last Nov. 4, 2010.

We were there for the launch of Grand Fiesta Manila 2010 and the Grand Fiesta run 2010. We arrived quite late so we didn't get to taste the many dim sums and dumplings offered that evening. Here are the dishes we did get to try...

Saturday, November 6, 2010

My Zoobic Diet

We went to Zoocobia and Zoobic last weekend for free! Wee! And as part of the tour, we were also provided with lunch and dinner. Not that I was expecting an ostentatious display of exotic food, but I was hoping for something more... delectable. After all, we did walk a lot and it was so very tiring. Oh well. Thank God for the yummy Sisig Siopao breakfast we had at 7-11 that morning, at least I wasn't that hungry.

But anyway, I was happy with what they served us. For lunch, there was a mini buffet of ham, eggs, salad, toasted bread, juice and french fries. It was enough to keep our strength up. It just didn't go well with the time of day. This meal is more of a breakfast than lunch. I was hoping for adobo or kaldereta. Hehehe. Peace!

For dinner, I started salivating the moment I saw the waiters handing out Chicken Inasal to the other people we were with. Unfortunately, by the time they got to us, there was only fried pork left. Blech! I personally don't like pork and this one wasn't really particularly tasty. Oh well. Gotta be thankful for free food. At least, I didn't feel so bloated that my Zoobic getup actually felt quite loose after the trip. Hehehe. Peace!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Greenwich Pizza for Halloween

I didn't have the time to prepare for a party or to even cook a decent meal. I was up to my neck with work and I still wanted to celebrate Halloween, even it meant partying by myself, at home. Peter was helping me running errands and doing chores while our tenant/friend Princess might have had other plans for that weekend.


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